thurs 16.1.

21:00 Franz Hautzinger Trio F

One shouldn't be misled into thinking that he plays the same instrument as Wynton Marsalis -- the Wonderchild of Conser-avatar-ism -- and his snobbish "Brooks-Brothers" following. Although Franz Hauzinger -- who at the time of writing was not reachable in Burgenland or in Vienna -- does not totally ignore his precursors on the horn, he gives the impression that he prefers to assume a contemporary role, which means to understand that jazz history did not end in the 1950s and that it is worth the effort to really put your heart into your playing, to give the pleasure found in the immediacy of improvising a chance to develop. Why? Maybe in the hope that this yearning to live the moment to its full will continue to make musical sense ..., also in these times when the improvising world is showing a tendency to fluctuate between hymn-like worship of the past and melancholy anticipation.
Admission: ATS 120.-

24:00 VocalNightLine Monika Trotz & Achim Tang Duo

After the 21:00 concert, when the club is bathed in cool-blue light and club-goers begin sinking deeper into our velvet sofas, when the musicians crowd the bar to order yet another "last gin tonic" and the soundman begins recovering his calm after the prime-time stress, when the girls in the cloakroom begin worrying aloud that they'll miss the last U-Bahn and the waiters&waitresses begin tallying up their tips, when an occasional newcomer wanders in off the street, amazed to find that not only are we still open but that we also have a late-night program on the bill, that's the time for the VocalNightLine. Tonight the Line is headed by Monika Trotz, supported by an array of duo partners and others.

Admission: ATS 120.-