fri 31.1

21:00 Unstolen Moments Christoph Herndler Chamber Music
Renald Deppe Two of One Mind: Inventions by Gitte and Rex Gildo

Jetzt dreht die Welt sich nur um dich, das wird fuer mich nie anders sein. Denn diese Welt is ohne dich ganz ohne Glueck und Sonnenschein.
(Now the world turns only around you, and for me that's how it always will be. Because this world, if it didn't have you, would have no joy or sunshine)

We know from reliable musicological sources that when Gitte and Rex Gildo sang these sigificant lines some time ago, they were referring to Christoph Herndler, the Upper Austrian composer of serious music. Tonight, this former student of the unforgettable Haubenstock-Ramati will present a large-scale world premiere of his latest work. Soon the late-night bus will pass. Then will come a kiss, our last. Until tomorrow, all is past, Gitti and Rex sang after Herndler's last premiere, in tribute to this catastro-famoso song scribe. Come together!
Admission: ATS 120.-

24:00 kratzig & huber + schreiber JazzAttack

While DJ Angelika Kratzig sets the room dancing with her jungle beats, Harald Huber (on piano) and Andy Schreiber (on violin) stoke the fire stored in the vinyl grooves with their live improvisations. (Die Band)

Today's Midnight Special features experimental/danceable music under the motto: Dance-Jazz Crossover. When this trio celebrated their debut in September 1996, they were greeted with a favorable review in the British music magazine The Wire. Happily, what the journal said then, still applies to the band today.
Admission: ATS 150.-