sat 1.2.

21:00 NOX Was ist NOX:
  1. The last white bastion in the Southern Americas. Prevented the indianization of the New World.
  2. Name of an American space mission that turned out to be a failure, much like the Vietnam War.
  3. Abbreviation for the seal of quality designed by Hundertwasser for food stuffs in the EU that have not been manipulated genetically.
  4. Acronym for the Austrian booby prize for jazz talents who display exceptional inability at realizing their planned projects.
Or, as in the case of this band: NOX is a formation that was even acknowledged by Vienna Jazzfest organizers to be deserving of special promotion and support - which gave them the dubious honor of appearing before the eminent Johnny Griffin on the JF program, which in turn (as I saw with my own eyes), after a few notes sent them scurrying to the bar on shaky legs to down a few stiff whiskeys. I took that as a compliment. In any case, NOX is a cryptic synonym for unpretentious music-making, which can only be heard live NOX-style this evening, because a financial backer is still needed for the planned digital recording. Not Only for the X Generation. CH

Admission: AS 120.-

24.00 huber & kratzig + schreiber JazzAttack Harald Huber is an Assistant at the Musikhochschule in Vienna, where he's been put at the head of the Popular Music Department. As an active musician, he does field research with his ensemble MEZ as well as with the Trio huber & kratzig + schreiber. The pervasive beat of the last mentioned band is provided by Jungle DJ angelika kratzig, who will incite her two male companions schreiber & huber to build up a creative improvisatorial frenzy. The popular music label can also fit here in numerous instances, as well as Jazz - Dance - Crossover! CH
Admission: AS 120.-