mon 10.2.

21:00 C2H5OH plays the music of Walter Malli

All those who used to forget to pay attention in chemistry class (like me!) are undoubtedly asking themselves right now what the above alpha-numeric symbol could mean... I have it on good authority that the formula C2H5OH stands for ethyl alcohol and that it belongs to some group that I can't remember anything more about. What I do know is that ethyl alcohol is just a fancy name for the drinking variety of alcohol which, after long periods of regular or excessive consumption, can produce all kinds of noticeable reactions (staggering, babbling, etc.). But there are also some exceptions, like Qualtinger or Werner, who reputedly could chug 15 halves of beer and just as much Schnäpse (brandy) and still carry off a reading. I don't think you could say the same of the three men who are forming tonight's trio, which has Malli at its center. Matter of fact I have noticed that, in each of their cases, their articulation is affected by even much smaller quantities of alcohol. And this is why we've written into the contract that alcohol consumption is limited to the period after the pause following the first set. Since the musicians will certainly uphold these conditions, we can safely say we will be experiencing a sober ensemble playing compositions by Walter Malli, which are anything but sober (this was also already said once before, long before John Coltrane chose the soprano sax as his main instrument). You should also jot a note to yourself to have Malli tell you, after the concert, about how he met the great Sidney Bechet! Have a good time! CH

Admission: ATS 120.-

24:00 GuitarNightLine Andy Bartosh Trio Infernale