wed 12.2.

21:00 Session The Herbie Hancock Songbook by Michael Kneihs

No doubt about it: A session based on Herbie Hancock is a Herculian task, an ultimate challenge, a pan-galactic hype... given Herbie's epoch-making accomplishments in the manner of Mozart (i.e. to be accompanied by the Chicago Symphony Orchesta already at age 11) at the side of Miles Davis (to drop just one name) and ­ as in his most recent incarnation ­ as interpreter of songs by Prince, Peter Gabriel or Kurt Cobain. A Hancock Songbook?... We also shouldn't forget the controversial score he produced for Michelangelo Antonioni's "Blow Up" and his Oscar-winning music for Bertrand Travernier's "Round Midnight"; his hits such as "Watermelon Man"; classics, such as "Maiden Voyage", "Headhunter Funk" and "A Man Sees Red" Disco; his Afro-Trips such as the one with Foday Musa Suso, the Hip Hop on "Dis Is Da Drum"... in a nutshell, this evening could range across the entire stylistic spectrum of modern popular culture - to which jazz still belongs, in the strictly academic sense - because for decade already, Hancock has been leaving his mark nearly everywhere. Let's just hope there are some players brave enough to join in under the "baton" of Herbiemaniac Michael Kneihs. WL
Admission: ATS 30.-