Kevin Hays & Jorge Rossy (USA/ESP)
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Das Duo Hays & Rossy besteht aus Kevin Hays am Klavier und Gesang und Jorge Rossy am Vibraphon und Marimba. Bei der musikalischen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Kevin und Jorge handelt es sich um einen Dialog zwischen zwei bekannten Musikerpersönlichkeiten aus der Generation der Jazzmusiker, die in den 1990er Jahren in New York aufkam. Sie haben im Laufe der Jahre in verschiedenen Formationen zusammengespielt, aber dies ist das erste Mal, dass sie im Duo zusammenspielen.
Das Duo aus Vibraphon und Klavier ist eine relativ ungewöhnliche Kombination im Jazz, die Kevin und Jorge viel musikalisches Neuland bietet. Sie haben Freude daran, die Nuancen ihrer Instrumente zu erforschen und wirklich tief in die Melodien einzutauchen, um neue Klangwelten, Geschichten und Farben zu entdecken. Das Vertrauen und die Intimität, die sich aus ihrer ästhetischen Affinität und ihrer langen Freundschaft ergeben, ermöglichen es ihnen, den Raum und die Freiheit, die das Duo bietet, in vollen Zügen zu genießen.
Das Repertoire von Kevin und Jorge besteht aus Kompositionen der beiden Musiker sowie aus Interpretationen von Standards. Ihre musikalische Palette deckt ein breites ästhetisches Spektrum ab, darunter stimmungsvolle musikalische Landschaften, faszinierende experimentelle Improvisationen, lyrische Melodien und gefühlvolle Harmonien. Kevin und Jorges Spiel zeigt auch den Sinn für Humor, ansteckende rhythmische Kontrapunkte und unprätentiöse Verspieltheit, die wesentliche Elemente der Jazztradition sind.
About Kevin Hays:
"Heralded for his melodic and harmonic ingenuity, Kevin Hays also has an inherent dance in his piano playing.” - Downbeat
“There are plenty of talented pianists… but few have hays’ melodic charms and sense of style.” - The New Yorker 'Best of the Year’ list
“The five tracks that follow continue to speak to Hays' creativity, both as a composer, interpreter, and conceptualist.” - All About Jazz
"He’s a jolt of joy” - New York Times
"He’s all encompassing. Phenomenally so!” - John Scofield
"Kevin is a true original. Everything he plays has a deep intelligence and swing!" - Brad Mehldau
About Jorge Rossy:
“[Rossy] surprises as a vibraphonist and marimba player. He wants to focus more on storytelling, and that works better with the mallets. In doing so, he establishes a completely new narrative style that is completely independent of the Gary Burton school that has dominated for half a century. He exploits the potential of every single note to the full, delights in the spaces in between and listens to his partners… Jorge Rossy obviously has a lot of sunshine in his heart, which he transfers one-to-one into his music.” - Wolf Kampmann, Eclipsed
“The fact that he...finds a completely new way of approaching the instrument is...more than amazing. Rossy sees himself as a storyteller, and his stories need time and space. The Spaniard gives them plenty of both. He unfolds a poetry on the vibraphone that has never been heard before.” - WK Stereoplay
“...Rossy shows himself to be a highly sensitive vibraphonist and marimba player... He shapes the sounds, makes them vibrate and shimmer, gives them space and airy coloratura. Rossy develops his lines with care, the shimmering show-off is not his thing.” - Pirmin Bossart, Jazz’n’More
"Playing his instruments in much the same way B.B. King played the guitar, he hits only the right notes at the right time, which gives the arrangements an airy, open feel. …In a jazz firmament in which vibes are represented by such head-turners as Bobby Hutcherson, Lionel Hampton and Stefon Harris, Rossy confidently, almost casually, defines his own section of the jazz vibraphone universe." – Big Takeover
…“[Rossy] plays on both vibraphone and marimba with the kind of finesse, percussive lyricism and group sensitivity as he has demonstrated in his work behind the kit.”
- Selwyn Harris, Jazzwise
“Rossy plays his vibraphone with a great sense of space and pauses, moves rather deliberately as a soloist, but at the same time swings in a way that is no longer necessarily the order of the day in today's jazz. It has been jazz wisdom since Count Basie that swing arises from reduction, and Rossy obviously knows this.” - Georg Spindler, Mannheimer Morgen
"As he did when playing drums, his contributions unfold in elegant waves, made up of minimal phrases all chosen with care.” - Simon Adams, Jazz Journal