Do 6. März 2025

Portrait Sofia Labropoulou w/ Mia Zabelka

Sofia Labropoulou: kanun
Mia Zabelka: violin

Sofia Labropoulou’s portrait series at Porgy & Bess  is a celebration of her artistic versatility and passion for collaboration. Over three evenings, she joins forces with groundbreaking musicians to explore the intersections of tradition, improvisation, and experimental sound.

Sofia Labropoulou & Mia Zabelka
The series begins with a compelling debut collaboration between Sofia Labropoulou and Mia Zabelka, one of Austria’s most celebrated improvisers and a pioneer on the international music scene. Combining Labropoulou’s mastery of the kanun and Mediterranean musical traditions with Zabelka’s visionary violin techniques and innovative soundscapes, the duo will create an intricate dialogue between structure and spontaneity, tradition and avant-garde.