Portrait Sofia Labropoulou w/ Helge Hinteregger
Sofia Labropoulou’s portrait series at Porgy & Bess is a celebration of her artistic versatility and passion for collaboration. Over three evenings, she joins forces with groundbreaking musicians to explore the intersections of tradition, improvisation, and experimental sound.
Sofia Labropoulou & Helge Hinteregger
The series concludes with a rare and extraordinary collaboration between Sofia Labropoulou and Helge Hinteregger, one of Austria’s most innovative sound artists and vocal performers. Known for his infrequent but highly impactful performances, Hinteregger brings his expertise in experimental "throat music" and sound art to this world premiere performance. Together, Hinteregger and Labropoulou will intertwine the kanun’s intricate, traditional tones with avant-garde vocal explorations and sonic textures, creating a deeply unique and evocative finale to this portrait series.