Di 5. Oktober 2004

Anna Lauvergnac & Julia Hülsmann Trio (I/D)

Anna Lauvergnac: vocals
Julia Hülsmann: piano, fender rhodes
Marc Muellbauer: bass
Heinrich Köbberling: drums

Sternstunde von intensiver Melancholie brach auch die härtesten Seelen. Anna Lauvergnac, Sängerin des Vienna Art Orchester, triumphierte mit den Liedern ihres ersten Balladenalbums im Wiener „Porgy & Bess“. (Samir H. Köck, anlässlich eines Konzertes von Lauvergnac im März 2001)
I moved to Vienna in the fall of 1994. Back then, I knew almost nobody, and almost nobody knew me, so I turned 30 almost alone. Kind of sad, in a way ... but at least I had the good idea to spend that evening in the old Porgy & Bess. Some years later, as I turned 35, I had a birthday concert
at the „temporary“ P&B at the Museum Quartier, and about 300 people showed up, and it was a memorable night. ...really, what an evening!!! Where you there? Yes? No? In both cases, you get another chance: this year I have the privilege and the pleasure to give another Birthday Concert in my favourite jazz club in Europe (...grazie, Christoph...) and the privilege and the pleasure to share the stage with Julia, Marc and Heinrich: they are fantastic musicians, great persons, and they are my friends (...grazie, miei cari...). If you like Randy Newman’s songs, if you like jazz, if you like birthdays, if you wanna make sure that I won’t get the feeling that I am left alone to face time going by, come and join the party... (Anna Lauvergnac)
Anna Lauvergnac feiert ihren Geburtstag mit dem hervorragenden Trio um Julia Hülsmann - womit einer weiteren Sternstunde nichts mehr im Wege stehen dürfte. They say it’s your birthday ... CH