Sa 20. November 2004

Sunrise Cru

Aminata: vocals
Rafiek: vocals
DJ Mahiyo: turntables
MC Mig L aka Clumsie Terence
Roman Weihs: bass
Willi Horvath: drums

Aminatas voice, a bless for all listeners, is known through her work with Megablast and Mauracher. Rafiek Varind, a rising star on the planet (e.g. Soundhotel). Just hear him sing will take you to a higher level. The Aphrodelics MC known as Clumsie Terence has transformed into Mig L. His vibe will push you to the max. And then there is DJ Mahiyo, a tuntablist who is in possessing of feeling and skill. Call him nice selecta. (Pressetext)
Eintritt: 10.- €, 5.- € für MC-Besitzer