Ed Partyka & Flip Philipp Dectet (USA/A)
Ed Partyka: trombone
Flip Philipp: vibraphone
Robert Bachner: trombone
Lorenz Raab: trumpet
Daniel Nösig: trumpet
Clemens Salesny: alto saxophone, bass clarinet
Gerald Preinfalk: tenor saxophone, clarinet
Klaus Gesing: soprano-, alto saxophone
Raphael Preuschl: bass
Christian Salfellner: drums
Wir starten ca. 1/2 h vor Konzertbeginn den Live-Stream (Real-Time, nach Konzertende nicht mehr abrufbar!). Durch Klicken auf "Zum Livestream" öffnet sich ein Fenster, wo Sie kostenlos und ohne irgendeine Registrierung das Konzert miterleben können. Wir ersuchen Sie aber, dieses Projekt über "Pay as you wish" zu unterstützen. Vielen Dank & Willkommen im realen & virtuellen Club!
Being able to watch a band grow and develop is interesting. Being in a band that is growing and developing is fun. Leading a band that is growing and developing is f***ing hard work, but worth it. Flip and I have planted a seed and watching it grow into a band while trying (without success) to influence the direction in which it grows has been exhilarating. We are becoming a band: we’ve laughed, played, rehearsed, discussed, argued, shouted, apologized, forgiven and gotten drunk together. We are starting to actually sound like a band and we are doing the stuff that bands do - we’ll be going into the studio in June to record a CD. (Ed Partyka)