The KUG University Jazz Vocalists (USA/A/NL/SLO/SK/SCR/D)
featuring Fritz Pauer: piano
Valentino Czihak: bass
Klaus Fürstner: drums
The Singers
Gregor Bischop, Marija Blagojevic, Mate Broder, Jelena Bukusic, Tjasa Fabjancic, Dorothea Jaburek, Jadranka Jurus, Johanna Kocher, Lucia Luzinska, Kristina Oberzan, Christine Sherzer, Ivan Spacapan, Maria Spießberger, Angela Tröndle
The Art of Jazz Singing is alive and well and can be heard this evening from the vocal students currently attending the University in Graz under the direction of Professor Laurie Antonioli. Fourteen singers from six different countries will be showcased with Fritz Pauer and a trio featuring Valentin Czihak and Klaus Fürstner. Fritz has been working with the singers at the University for over 15 years alongside the great jazz singers and teachers Sheila Jordan, Mark Murphy, Jay Clayton and Andy Bey. The vocal program has a long history of great young talent and this evening will present the current group of students performing songs from the Great American Song Book, Original Compositions and Contemporary Jazz. Ms. Antonioli has been teaching at the school for over two years and says: „The idea is to create a space for singers to find their own voice. The jazz idiom can incorporate cultural influences from around the world and what I experience with the students here in Europe is a high level of sincerity, talent and creativity. This evening will be inspired and entertaining and we hope everyone will enjoy hearing the sounds of real jazz singing coming from a terrific group of young vocalists.“ (Laurie Antonioli)