Di 4. Oktober 2005

Paulo Bellinati & Steve Swallow Duo (BRA/USA)

Paulo Bellinati: guitar
Steve Swallow: bass

The music of Paulo Bellinati is absolutely stimulating. Most important is the music itself, beyond all the technical elements which distance the interpreter from the story he is telling. I find myself listening to his records many times in a row. They are inspiring and moving in clear directions. Above all, they are Brazilian. (Egberto Gismonti)
With fantastic, precise technique, Paulo is a master of the guitar. His arrangements are transparent and his compositions clearly show him to be a mature musician, capable of realizing that very difficult mixture: the subtleties of classical music blended with the popular music idiom. (Antonio Carlos Jobim)
Der brasilianische Meistergitarrist war vor ziemlich exakt einem Jahr im P&B zu Gast und wusste damals mit der großartigen Sängerin Monica Salmaso zu begeistern. Nun kehrt er wieder im Duo zurück, diesmal mit dem wunderbaren Bassisten Steve Swallow. Intim! CH