Fr 16. Juni 2006

Mencel-Logan-Tanschek (PL/USA/A)

Joachim Mencel: piano
Steve Logan: bass
Harald Tanschek: drums

Joachim Mencel is a musician who is able to move an audience. One must see him. Mencel dances behind his instrument, conducts the band, gives them course, tone and rythym. Each time I listen to him I have the impression, oh no, I am sure, that I'm dealing with something authentic -there is soul in his music and jazz has to be authentic. No matter whether it is played slow or fast, his own compositions or from the repertoire of other composers - it's execution has the seal of Mencel. Speaking of compositions... most of the material in the concert were the compositions of the leader. And even if only one piece Mencel has introduced as a song, still all of them are created for singing. That is a valuable advantage - to compose a work in a way so that it pleases the ear, it has a certain ring and yet is not trivial. Joachim has this gift. Similarly his compositions have a „Slavic feel". (Pawel Baranowski)
Der polnische Pianist präsentiert sich im klassischen Klaviertrio-Format mit dem amerikanischen Bassisten Steve Logan, der u.a. schon im Sold von Leuten wie David Sanborn, John Scofield, Howard Johnson, Michel Petrucciani, Chaka Khan oder Aretha Franklin stand, und dem in Berkley ausgebildeten österreichischen Schlagzeuger Harald Tanschek. Spannend! CH

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Polnischen Kulturinstitut