Do 22. Mai 2008

Harth / Venitucci / Pupillo / Spera „7kOAKS“ (D/I)

Alfred 23 Harth: saxophone, clarinet, electronics
Luca Venitucci: piano, accordion, objects
Massimo Pupillo: bass
Fabrizio Spera : drums

A fierce and hypnotic music that wildly combines free jazz with elements of contemporary electroacoustic music and microtonal interplays. 7k Oaks – Massimo Pupillo (Zu, Original Silence) Luca Venitucci (Zeitkratzer, Ossatura) Alfred 23 Harth (Cassiber, Otomo Yoshihide New Jazz Quintet) Fabrizio Spera (Ossatura, Blast) manage to build up and maintain a feverish tension without ever loosening intensity. The six compositions on this record come off as a very intense kind of blowing session, where the musicians are looking to discover things about each other and the music they were making, all seeming to be carefully considered even as they are improvising, proving that free improvisation can be as thoughtful, demanding, and precise as composed music – perhaps more so, judging from this astonishing record. (Pressetext)
Alfred 23 Harth ist nicht nur ein musikalischer Weltenbummler, sondern auch ein geographischer. Momentan hat der nomadisierende Saxophonist seine Zelte in Rom aufgeschlagen, und ebendort jene Band gegründet, die Sie heute hören können. Klingt sehr vielversprechend! CH