Sa 16. Mai 2009

Jure Pukl High Interaction Group feat. Damion Reid (SL/USA/A)

Jure Pukl: saxophone
Georg Vogel: piano, fender rhodes
Michael Janisch: bass
Damion Reid: drums

In art, the past serves as a reminder to present generations concerning verities that go beyond time and place, in this case musical truths that are universal and eternal. Passion, energy, sincerity are virtues we hear in the music of masters, alongside the specifics of musicianship. Already as a young artist, Jure Pukl has absorbed these aspects as well as the language of the avant garde movement that began in earnest in the mid 60\\\'s in Europe and America. He has conceived the music with artists who understand the roots of this style. When a young musician looks back to the legacy, absorbs the salient points and places them in a contemporary context, you have a quality statement that will be rewarding to listener and musicians alike far into the future. Jure has done his homework. (Dave Liebman)
„...Das Festival setzte nun auch Slowenien auf die Jazz-Landkarte mit dem Quartett (vier Nationalitäten) des im Post-Coltrane-Mainstream souverän aufspielenden Saxophonisten Jure Pukl. Der dauernd mit komplexen Kleinstrukturen hantierende Amerikaner Damion Reid setzte, im wahrsten Sinn des Worts, neue Akzente in der Schlagzeugbegleitung“. So schrieb die ehrwürdige FAZ über den Auftritt von Pukl beim diesjährigen Jazzfestival in Münster. Ich möchte noch auf einen anderen Musiker hinweisen, nämlich auf den aus Salzburg stammenden Pianisten Georg Vogel, der auf souveräne Weise den diesjährigen Fidelio-Wettbewerb, den das Konservatorium der Privatuniversität Wien gemeinsam mit der BAWAG P.S.K. jährlich ausrichtet, in der Sparte „Kreation/Laboratorium/Werkstatt“ für sich entscheiden konnte. Mit ein Grund, diese Formation ins Programm zu nehmen. Nachträgliche Gratulation! CH

Jure PUKL: after winning a scholarship to the prestigious Berklee College of Music, where he pursued his studies with masters such as Joe Lovano and George Garzone, Pukl started to work with musicians like Maceo Parker, Esperanza Spalding, Aaron Goldberg, Jeremy Pelt,Damion Reid, Jamire Williams, Howard Curtis, RenatoChicco, Johnatan Blake, Francisco Mela, Miles Griffith, Aruan Ortiz, Mike Janisch and others. His music has won him many awards; among others the 2005 first Jury Prize and Audience Award at the Jazzon Composition Competition in Novo mesto, Slovenia. He already published 4 CD’s under his own name, the last one came out on Viennas national radio-TV music label ORF and was recorded live at the Jazznight Graz. He is also featured on more than 20 CD projects as a sideman. (Pressetext)