Di 29. Januar 2013

Per Mathisen „Crossing Borders“ (N/SK)

Per Mathisen: bass
Ole Mathisen: tenor saxophone
Juraj Burian: guitar
Martin Valihora: drums

Saxofon Spieler Ole Mathisen und sein Bruder Per, einer der gefragtesten Bass-Spieler von Norwegen (Anm.: und hierzulande durch seine Zusammenarbeit mit Gerald Preinfalk bekannt), treffen auf die zwei grandiosen Musiker aus der Slowakei, den Gitarristen Juraj Burian und Schlagzeuger Martin Valihora (Anm.: der wiederum der aktuelle Schlagzeuger von Harry Sokal Depart ist). Ihr musikalisches Zusammenspiel reicht von atemberaubenden Solos zu erstaunlichen Wechselspielen. Selbst wenn dieses Quartett aus der Electric Jazz Zone kommt, hören Sie Klänge, Rhythmen, Akkorde und Melodien, die aus einer Vielzahl von musikalischen Genres stammen. (Pressetext)

New York ace, saxophone player Ole Mathisen and his brother Per, the most in demand bass player in Norway, meets the two greatest musicians to ever come out of Slovakia, guitar player Juraj Burian and drummer Martin Valihora. This musical meeting is a highly explosive gathering, all these 4 players are phenomenal on their instruments and together they are no less than dynamite. You will hear breathtaking solos, amazing intricate interplay, beautiful sounds and enchanting melodies. Always with an including warmness for the audience and a winning sense of humor. Even if this quartet is a band in the electric jazz zone, you will hear sounds, rhythms, chords and melodies that are picked up from a huge variety of musical genres. Any person who has a love for any kind of music will enjoy a concert with this ensemble.

The musical material is written by Ole, Per and Juraj in a way that leaves the players with a lot of personal interpretational freedom, and with a lot of space for improvisation, the music always moves around in different sonic palettes.