Mi 3. April 2013

Marina Sobyanina / Oleg Mariakhin / Sergey Balashov (A/CH/RU)

Marina Sobyanina: piano, vocals
Oleg Mariakhin: baritone saxophone
Sergey Balashov: drums, toys

"This is sort of an acoustic punk-jazz equipped with amazing vocals imitating things, piano passages reminiscent of Bartok and Prokofiev and the-Necks-style minimalist repetitions. An acoustic reproduction of electric rock energy is what Jazzator has in common with the European post-jazz wave: bands like F-ire, Acoustic Ladyland and Neil Cowley Trio." (Dmitry Ukhov)
Die Band Jazzator verbindet die Freiheit des Jazz mit harmonischem Vokabular zeitgenössischer Kunstmusik und fügt noch die Kraft des Stadion-Rock auf diese Mischung. Der Jazzator Sound basiert auf bahnbrechenden Vocal-Teilen und reichen Klavierarrangements von Marina Sobyanina und dem Drumming von Sergej Balaschow: Jede Jazzator Live-Show ist anders und erzeugt Gänsehaut sowohl beim Publikum als auch bei den Musikern selbst. Die Musik weckt tiefe Emotionen und die Stimmungen wechseln zwischen Drama und Komödie und sanfter Meditation. Die Sängerin und Komponistin Marina Sobyanina entwickelt einen instrumentellen Ansatz des Gesangs inspiriert von Künstlern wie Bobby McFerrin, Mike Patton, Mel Webb und Sofia Jernberg. Die Melodien für Klavier, Gesang und Schlagzeug komponiert bilden den wichtigsten Teil des Band-Repertoires, inspiriert durch Künstler wie The Bad Plus, Thelonious Monk, Avishai Cohen, Sergej Rachmaninow und Igor Strawinsky. Großes Kino aus Moskau! (Pressetext)

Jazzator is a young trio that has embarked upon an adventurous mission of blending together neo-classical music, free improvisation and wild post-breakbeat grooving. The result is a powerful iconoclastic sound and an exciting action that takes place on stage. The band consists of a pianist/singer Marina Sobyanina, a baritone sax player Oleg Mariakhin and a drummer Sergey Balashov. The three musicians have fun with odd meters and intense textures and at the same time don’t compromise the melodic beauty of their compositions. Curiously, the trio’s music has been compared by the same critic to both Acoustic Ladyland and works of Sergei Prokofiev. Original compositions by Marina Sobyanina get further enlivened by improvised acrobatics on the instruments and practical jokes that musicians play on each other and the audience.
Jazzator have released two studio albums in 2010 and 2012 and appeared at some of the major European jazz festivals such as Bohemia Jazz Fest (CZ), Jazzwerkstatt (CH) and Usadba Jazz (RU). The trio has been exploring the ‘cinematic’ potential of their music playing live soundtracks for a number of theater productions. The band’s leader Marina Sobyanina has shared stage with Bobby Mcferrin and Zap Mama as a vocalist and has composed music for a number of theater projects, a feature film and for various ensembles from big bands to classical outfits. (Pressetext)

"A first encounter with Jazzator leaves a strong impression. The voice of Marina Sobyanina is not for the faint-hearted. As we mentioned earlier this season, her vocal acrobatics have been recognized far and wide; she has shared a stage with Bobby McFerrin, which - in terms of kindred spirits - gives some indication of her improvised wizardry. Experiment and calculated risk are both on display. In short, there's an overriding air of expertise and dizzying potential..." (D.MacFadyen, California University)