Do 25. April 2002

Trevor Watts Moire Music Group

Trevor Watts: saxophone
Colin McKenzie: bass
Nana Tsiboe: percussion
Giampaolo Scatozza: kit-drums

The spiritual communication in Moire Music Group runs high, they create
sounds of improvised music making that address many ethnic strands of music
and culture. You\'ll hear folk type melodies alongside material based on jazz
rhythms and improvisational interplay. The sound of the jungle and the
hillsides merge happily with the razzmatazz of modern life..... What I adore
about this music is that the rhythmic requirements are not cliché nor
predictable. The music reveals a deep commitment and conviction. (Tim Price)
Man meint mitsingen zu können, was er mit großer Klarheit spielt, scheitert jedoch an der vertrackten Intervallstruktur seiner motivischen Fortspinnungen. Trevor Watts ist ein Melodienerfinder ersten Ranges. (Ekkehard Jost)