Mo 17. Juni 2002
Portrait Peter Herbert

Rennert/Gesing/Herbert „Compositions” / „Fifteen Coins”

21 Uhr: Rennert/Gesing/Herbert „Compositions”
Uli Rennert: keyboards, toys
Klaus Gesing: saxophone
Peter Herbert: bass

22.30 Uhr: „Fifteen Coins”
Alexandra Montano: mezzo soprano
Judith Reiter: viola
Isabella Fink: cello
Paul Skrepek: percussion
Peter Herbert: bass

21 Uhr: Rennert/Gesing/Herbert „Compositions”
This Trio recorded the CD „Compositions” in one afternoon, which was supposed to be not even a demo. Completely improvised, it has a convincing, fresh musical taste, that relies on the competent handling of the instruments and musical material by Uli Rennert, Klaus Gesing and Peter Herbert. Since that recording date, this Trio has never performed live, something we always wanted to do and it never happened, except for now.

22.30 Uhr: „Fifteen Coins”
Music set to the poem „fifteen coins” by Jorge Luis Borges for low strings, percussion and mezzo-soprano, sung in Spanish by the astounding French-native/New York based mezzo-soprano Alexandra Montano (Philip Glass, Tan Dun a.m.o), and skillfully executed by a European string and rhythm section, Herbert's writing was hailed at it's premiere in New York in June 2000 at the one drink minimum contemporary music series at Cornelia Street Cafe as fresh, innovative and resonating.