Di 18. Juni 2002
Portrait Peter Herbert

Duo Herbert/Tronzo „Segmente” / Trio Esen/Herbert/Deutsch

21 Uhr: Duo Herbert/Tronzo „Segmente”
David Tronzo: slide guitar
Peter Herbert: bass

22.30 Uhr: Trio Esen/Herbert/Deutsch
Aydin Esen: piano
Alex Deutsch: drums
Peter Herbert: bass

21 Uhr: Duo Herbert/Tronzo „Segmente”
David Tronzo was not only voted for „one of the 100 most important guitar
players of the 20th century” (Musicians Magazine), but is well known for re-inventing the playing of the slide guitar in many ways. This Duo has performed at major European Festivals (Lausanne, Geneva, Saalfelden) since the launch of their CD „Segmente” in 1999.

22.30 Uhr: Trio Esen/Herbert/Deutsch

Aydin Esen, regarded by many artists including Wolfgang Muthspiel as „Mozart of the 20th century”, has recorded three records with Peter Herbert in the late 80'ies/early 90ties. The Aydin Esen Trio was Can Kozlu on drums, Peter Herbert on bass and Aydin on piano/keyboards and played countless concerts in the US, Europe and Istanbul, where Aydin lives now. The original „Wolfgang Muthspiel Trio” (with Alex Deutsch and Peter Herbert) recorded their debut-album „Timezones” in 1989 in Boston, which featured Aydin Esen on a few tracks. The last time Aydin appeared in Vienna was at the „old” Porgy & Bess in 1996 with Peter Herbert and Daniel Humair. A rare opportunity to hear this virtuoso with the Nr. 1 Austrian rhythm-section of more then twenty years of collaboration.