Mi 14. November 2018

Sassy Sis / Pia-Veronica Aström / Barbara Kowi / Oksana Zmiyevska 'Gruppenausstellung'

Ausstellungsdauer: 14. bis 26. November 2018

Sassy Sis
Isn't it interesting to fill an empty room with ones own world? The "Sassy Sis" exhibition is about a dream dreamt at the same time by three. It offers different conversations about loosing and gaining control, about emptiness and volume and how to deal with painting as a medium of choice.

Pia-Veronica Aström 1976
Currently studies painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, since 2015.

Barbara Kowi 1990
Currently studies painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, since 2016.

Oksana Zmiyevska studied painting at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, diploma -2011.