Tue April 10, 2001
Portrait Sainkho Namtchylak

City Life (acoustic) & City Life (electric)

City Life (acoustic)
Sainkho: voice
Peter Kowald: bass

City Life (electric)
Sainkho: voice
Maxim Shaposhnikov: turntable
tba: visuals

Sorry this part has no English translation

I have been sharing my life with Vienna for ten years. It was not easy, it was good survival lesson after all. Good for both, or lets say, all sites of our ritual reality. How do I feel after ten years staying here?
A bit lost with midlife crises, a bit sad, a little bit sceptic, little bit lonely but generally I feel that I’m realized artistry. I’m respected as an artist. I did 30 albums at different labels with many different musicians, famous and not so. I was teaching and giving voice lessons. I was meeting a lot of people and I was learning from them too. My stile of singing and performing my voice became interated from very old traditions into our days sound. It is still a lot to learn, to know and to see. Whatever happened in this life, inner life has other dimensions – it is wider, it is wiser, just a wispered scream.
Music for me is a special language of feelings and it is the key to the inner life, to our soul. Because music has different forms like everything in our nature, I’d like to try all forms and stiles. Improvisation alone or with other musicians give me that chance to study and experiment with different frames of music to fulfill my frame. To understand my limits, to touch the border where the sound is becoming a music thought. I hope the program presented in this project will open new imaginary horizons in people. (Sainkho Namtchylak)