Thu April 17, 2025

Senny Camara: cora

We start the live-stream (real time, stream is not on demand!) about 1/2 h before the show starts. By clicking on "Now Live" a window opens, where you can watch the concert free of charge and without any registration. If you want, you can support this project with "Pay as you wish". Thank you & welcome to the real & virtual club!

Senny Camara was born in Dakar and grew up in Tattaguine in southern Senegal with her grandmother, who brought her up in the purest animist traditions of the Sérère people. A family situation that introduced her very early on to the deep musical roots of her country, in particular the songs of the Ndeup, a mystical rite practiced by the Lébou community living in Senegal.

Senny Camara is one of the rare female kora players in the world, as the instrument is traditionally reserved for men. In addition to the kora, she studied other traditional instruments such as the balafon and ngoni as well as the guitar at the Dakar Conservatory.

In the 2000s, Senny moved to France. She learned to play the harp and discovered Celtic music at the Saint-Denis Conservatory.

Senny Camara dedicates her compositions mainly to the kora, but also to the Celtic harp, the Brazilian cavaquinho, the Lithuanian kantele and the cello.

Senny enriches her musical universe through diverse encounters with international artists.