Georg Vogel Piano Solo (A)
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With his latest solo album "Piano Solo - Live in Hellbrunn" (Schattellit), Salzburg pianist Georg Vogel shows that he is perfectly at home in any musical constellation.
If you take a look at Georg Vogel's work to date, one thing becomes immediately clear: he left the traditional musical path a long time ago. The Salzburg pianist moves outside the conventional with his music, his musical language is one that has developed its very own accent. His desire to create something that really sounds different has led him to build his own instrument, a 31-note clavinet, which enables him to penetrate completely new musical spheres, spheres that resonate tonally somewhere in between. This can be heard clearly in his band project Dsilton, among others.
However, on his latest solo album - a live recording of a concert in Hellbrunn - Georg Vogel once again lets the piano speak for him. And, as we know it from him, in a very atmospheric way. The sound he produces oscillates between tense tranquillity and a very unique form of playfulness, which develops its own indefinable vibration, particularly through the many nuances. The beauty of the solo pieces by the pianist, composer and instrument maker is that, despite all their complexity in terms of structure, rhythm and melody, they nevertheless develop a kind of flow and avoid any unwieldiness, making them easily accessible.
With this solo album, Georg Vogel shows that he really knows how to move excellently in all musical constellations. His music is sophisticated, always different and also really different. And that is exactly what makes him such an interesting artist. (Michael Ternai)
Born in 1988, pianist, composer and creative instrument maker Georg Vogel is one of Austria's most outstanding young jazz musicians. His music is all about subtle differences: he began building his own instrument, the 31-tone clavinet, at an early age in order to realize his unusual ideas. "Salzburg pianist Georg Vogel has long been a household name in the Austrian jazz scene, but since the Trio Flower at the latest, it is impossible to imagine the scene without him. Discovered at a young age, he proved his extraordinary talent and distinctive understanding of music. He often defies conventional stylistic definitions and moves just as virtuously in traditional forms of music as he does in experimental and contemporary contexts. Especially in the expansion of the rhythmic spectrum and his improvisational approach to it, Georg Vogel is an exceptional pianist," wrote musician Andreas Waelti about him. When asked about the style of his solo art, Georg Vogel often mentions stride piano, the solo piano style from the early days of jazz: a sign that Vogel knows how to connect his polyphony abstractly to tradition. (