Tue May 1, 2001

Dave S. Ware Quartet

Dave S. Ware: saxophone
Matthew Shipp: piano
William Parker: bass
Guillermo E. Brown: drums

Sorry this part has no English translation

“Ware is massive, in the exact way that, say, James Brown was massive.“(Jazziz)
“It is only once in a blue moon that a musician chooses to make a splash in the night and awaken the ghosts of jazz innovators to remind everyone that jazz lives in the future and should not dwell within the past. If Jazz is to progress, it will do so on the shoulders of warriors such as Ware.“ (L.A. Jazz Scene)
Dave S. Ware ist ein Free-Jazz-Urgestein in der Diktion eines Cecil Taylor. Dave S. Ware setzt die Richtung fort, die der späte John Coltrane eingeschlagen hat. Dave S. Ware präsentiert sein hervorragend besetztes Quartett! CH