Tue May 17, 2005

Ed Partyka & Flip Philipp Dectet (USA/A)

Ed Partyka: trombone
Flip Philipp: vibraphone
Robert Bachner: trombone
Lorenz Raab: trumpet
Daniel Nösig: trumpet
Clemens Salesny: alto saxophone, bass clarinet
Gerald Preinfalk: tenor saxophone, clarinet
Klaus Gesing: soprano-, alto saxophone
Raphael Preuschl: bass
Christian Salfellner: drums

We start the live-stream (real time, stream is not on demand!) about 1/2 h before the show starts. By clicking on "Now Live" a window opens, where you can watch the concert free of charge and without any registration. If you want, you can support this project with "Pay as you wish". Thank you & welcome to the real & virtual club!

Sorry this part has no English translation

Being able to watch a band grow and develop is interesting. Being in a band that is growing and developing is fun. Leading a band that is growing and developing is f***ing hard work, but worth it. Flip and I have planted a seed and watching it grow into a band while trying (without success) to influence the direction in which it grows has been exhilarating. We are becoming a band: we’ve laughed, played, rehearsed, discussed, argued, shouted, apologized, forgiven and gotten drunk together. We are starting to actually sound like a band and we are doing the stuff that bands do - we’ll be going into the studio in June to record a CD. (Ed Partyka)