Tue Oct. 4, 2005

Paulo Bellinati & Steve Swallow Duo (BRA/USA)

Paulo Bellinati: guitar
Steve Swallow: bass

Sorry this part has no English translation

The music of Paulo Bellinati is absolutely stimulating. Most important is the music itself, beyond all the technical elements which distance the interpreter from the story he is telling. I find myself listening to his records many times in a row. They are inspiring and moving in clear directions. Above all, they are Brazilian. (Egberto Gismonti)
With fantastic, precise technique, Paulo is a master of the guitar. His arrangements are transparent and his compositions clearly show him to be a mature musician, capable of realizing that very difficult mixture: the subtleties of classical music blended with the popular music idiom. (Antonio Carlos Jobim)
Der brasilianische Meistergitarrist war vor ziemlich exakt einem Jahr im P&B zu Gast und wusste damals mit der großartigen Sängerin Monica Salmaso zu begeistern. Nun kehrt er wieder im Duo zurück, diesmal mit dem wunderbaren Bassisten Steve Swallow. Intim! CH