Tue Oct. 9, 2001
Portrait Dhafer Youssef: A Nightmare in Tunisia

Shark Attack (Tun/A)

21 Uhr: Azam of Ishk: Music for Dhafer Youssef & 15 string instruments, arranged and conducted by Christian Muthspiel
Dhafer Youssef-voice, oud
Achim Tang-bass
Bettina Gradinger, Sebastian Gürtler, Claudia Federspieler, Anne Harvey-Nagl, Tscho Theissing, Michael Radanovics, Isabell Schneider
Esther Haffner, Anett Homoki, Roman Bisanz
Roland Lindenthal, Michael Williams, Doris Muthspiel-Gabriel
Gerhard Muthspiel, Tomas Petöcz

22.30 Uhr: Remember Barnabiten: D. Y. Ensemble
Dhafer Youssef: oud, vocals
Christian Muthspiel: trombone
Anton Burger: violin
Achim Tang: bass
Jatinder Thakur: tablas

"Currently I'm often in New York, but actually I'm everywhere & nowhere. I couldn't go any further back
home in Tunisia. I grew up in a society, where everyth-
ing evolves around eating - to be more precise: Couscous
This world consists of the Café and a little bit beyond.
I love Couscous, but I'm not satisfied. I like to eat Sushi
and listen to new sounds. That's why I had to make a
move and haven't settled down since." (Dhafer Youssef)

Dhafer Youssef returns to the city, where he has 'settled
down' for the longest. The various programs will show,
what Dhafer means by "musical nomad". Welcome back !