Sat Dec. 5, 2009
Midnight Special

SWAP! Legacy presents Erik Rico (USA/A)

Erik Rico: vocals, guitar
Fabian Rucker: alto saxophone
Shayan Fathi: drums
Philipp Nykrin: keyboards
Jojo Lackner: bass
Darius Edlinger: guitar

Sorry this part has no English translation

SWAP kommt aus dem Englischen bedeutet soviel wie Austausch und wie der Name schon sagt steht genau dieser auf musikalischer Ebene im Vordergrund. Ziel ist die Schaffung einer neuen Plattform für ein ambitioniertes und kreatives Kollektiv das in den letzten Jahren in Wien entstanden ist. Es besteht aus ca. 25 Musikern und Produzenten. Legacy, das englische Wort für „Erbe“, kommt hier ins Spiel: Unzählige Zusammenarbeiten, Konzerte, CD-Produktionen, Tourneen und Sessions haben diesen Kreis an Musikern geformt und ihm eine außergewöhnliche Energie verliehen. Die Gründer des Projekts sind Shayan Fathi, Matthias Löscher, Fabian Rucker und Isabella Schrammel, haben jeder für sich bereits nationale und internationalen Kollaborationen und Erfolge vorzuweisen. Für die aktiven Musiker bzw. Musikbusiness- Erfahrenen Personen, die alle die gleiche Passion haben, lag nichts näher als sich zusammen zu schliessen um mit geballter Kraft zu agieren. „Unser Wunsch ist die Verbreitung der qualitativ hochwertigen Musik des Kollektivs. Wien ist die Homebase, der Fokus richtet sich jedoch besonders auf das Networking am internationalen Markt“. (Pressetext)

SWAP! Legacy stands for exchange, it is a synonym for the diversity of the music and the projects of the community.

The main aim was to create a platform for a creative and ambitious collective which emerged from Viennas\\\\\\\' live music scene during the last years. It now consists of 25 musicians and producers who have all been in the game for a long time and whose productions keep on pushing the boundaries of music - be it live or a studio production. These collaborations in the form of concerts, cd-productions, tours and sessions have forged this circle of people, and bestowed extraordinary energy upon the collective.

The founding members Shayan Fathi, Matthias Löscher, Fabian Rucker and Isabella Schrammel have each had national and international collaborations throughout the years.

The shared passion for music and all things creative made it clear that the next logical step for them would be to unite and use the freshly gained power to create something bigger.

\\\\\\\"Our concern is to spread the high quality music of the collective. Vienna is the home base, the focus is directed towards the international market\\\\\\\".

Born into a family of creative artists, multiinstrumentalist Erik Rico began his professional career 10 years ago as a self contained artist/producer on Sony\\\\\\\'s Columbia Records after being discovered by American Idol\\\\\\\'s Randy Jackson, then V.P. of Columbia Records. Prior to Jackson\\\\\\\'s introduction to Erik, he had only briefly been producing, writing and arranging for independent Hip Hop and Soul acts on the east coast. However, after only two years of being immersed in the confinements of corporate music, Erik felt his creativity could be better expressed elsewhere. He broke his contract with Sony, returned east and then to Europe in search of musical freedom.

It wasn´t long until Erik returned to California in pursuit of his musical career as an independant producer/artist where he was tapped to do his first major label production, coupled with various multimedia projects encompassing network and TV shows, feature films for the Showtime network, PBS as well as a two year stint as sound designer for famed photographer David LaChapelle and currently with Producit Inc. whose clients include: All major TV & Film networks, international advertising agencies, private events and celebrity clients such as Elton John, Gene Simmons, Mariah Carey and Jessica Alba. Erik is currently working on several projects to be released on Lifenotes Music.

Erik Rico produced/wrote titles for, and collaborated with artists such as Tupac Shakur, Planet Asia, Ladybug Mecca (Digable Planets), Jurassic 5, Q-Tip and many more.

\\\\\\\"This cat MADNESS\\\\\\\" DJ Jazzy Jeff (US)

\\\\\\\" TRUE Soul music for the global community! DJ Dez Parkes (UK)

\\\\\\\"The future, year 3000 music people!\\\\\\\" DJ Barry King (UK)
Eintritt: 10.- €, 5.- € für MC-Besitzer