Sun Sept. 12, 2010

Jazzorchester Vorarlberg (A)

Aja: vocals
Martin Franz, Doris Franziska Franz, Jürgen Haider, Klaus Peter: reeds
Dave Blaser, Martin Eberle, Herbert Walser-Breuß: trumpets
Christoph Ellensohn: french-horn
Stefan Konzett, Thomas Gertner, Egon Heinzle: trombones
Benny Omerzell: piano
Dietmar Kirchner: bass
Christian Eberle: drums
Phil Yaeger: compositions, trombone

Sorry this part has no English translation

There's a lot of talk about music being a universal language but the repetition of that pretty phrase sometimes obscures the concrete truth of it: music is a language much like any other. The art of speaking it is in the individuality: if you describe the sun to me, it will be different than when I describe it to you. And the beauty of music is that if you find a new way of saying something, the „something“ you are saying also becomes new. The Vorarlberger dialect can be by turns friendly, impenetrable, or both at the same time; the people are hardworking, straightforward and a touch idiosyncratic – and you can hear it in the music: there's not much talk about what it all means, will people like it, can we sell it. Instead there's an original approach, a dedication to handwork and a genuine and uncomplicated love for music and for playing together. Styles come and go, opinions change with the winds, but we want to tell you what we really think, where we're from and why we are here. Are you listening? (Phil Yaeger)
Irgendwie verliere ich auch etwas den Überblick, aber ich versuche einmal alle österreichischen Big Bands, die in den letzten Jahren im P&B gastierten, namhaft zu machen: VAO, JBBG, NC, UAJO, JOT, LACJO, LABB, RBBB, TEBB, GHO, BBBB, HPRCGO, KUGBB usw. Wahrscheinlich habe ich sträflicher Weise die eine oder andere vergessen. Jedenfalls hat das Orchester aus dem Ländle noch nie in der Bundeshauptstadt konzertiert. Willkommen im Club! CH