Thu Nov. 15, 2001
A Lovely Affair # 8:

What can you do on stage anymore? (A)

Sorry this part has no English translation

20 Uhr: „who the hell is F.Z. ?“ - eine Seance mit Frank Zappa „Hello can you hear me? I will be brief. ...Now all those other guys are always praying, so let´s pray just for a minute. Repeat after me: Dear sweet Jesus ... (audience repeats) .... Don´t listen to those other guys - they are not Christians, they are practicing voodoo. Not long ago, they prayed to you and demanded the death of a supreme court justice - What´s that got to do with Christianity, huh ? OK, Jesus we know you´re listening to us because WE are the good guys ! Thank you very much, and good night!! (mass applause) (F.Zappa 1989)

Lovely Rita umspielt den Geist Frank Zappas unterstützt von Reinhold „Hooch“ Huemer prowinziell-heuriger Gitterrost aus FinZ und weiteren (sur)realen Gästen - Wolf Bachofner, Peter Cerny, Martin Mandl, Freddy Reitinger, Alexander Tschernek, u.a.m

21.15 Uhr: The Lovely Rita Musicbox - 36 minutes of selected Lovely Rita Songs
Martin Stepanik: vocals, electronics
Anne Marie Fürthauer : vocals, sounds
Johannes Specht : guitar
Peter Gruber: bass
Mario Lackner: drums
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