Stephie Hacker „Sensibility“ (A) / Joey Green „Nat ‚King’ Cole meets Ray Charles“ (USA/A)
Stephie Hacker
Stephie Hacker: vocals, piano
Andi Tausch: guitar
Robert Jukic: bass
Christian Salfellner: drums
Joey Green
Joey Green: vocals
Sophie Hassfurther: tenor saxophone
Roland Stonek: guitar
Geri Schuller: piano, keyboards
Gina Schwarz: bass
Sorry this part has no English translation
Stephie Hacker
I just listened to „Sensibility“, the first CD of the up and coming singer-songwriter-pianist Stephanie Hacker. Here is an interesting and unique voice – a fascinating cross between Joni Mitchell and Abbey Lincoln that keeps you listening. The songs have strong melodies that stick, are arranged expertly, and feature her sensitive and lovely piano playing. Check it out! (Sheila Cooper)
In ihrem Debüt-Album lässt die junge, in Wien lebende Pianistin, Sängerin und Komponistin Stephanie Hacker persönliche Gefühle in ungekünstelten Texten und transparenter Musik zu berührenden Songs verschmelzen. Dafür verarbeitet sie Einflüsse aus unterschiedlichen Stilen, vermischt sie mit popigen Sounds und modernen Grooves und lässt dabei viel Platz für Improvisation. Im Vordergrund ihrer Musik steht jedoch immer der Song. Gemeinsam mit ihren Bandkollegen – alle fixe Größen der heimischen und internationalen Jazzszene – lässt sie mit ihrem unprätentiösen Gesang und ihrem versierten Klavierspiel ihren Emotionen auf der Bühne freien Lauf. (Pressetext)
Joey Green
Nat King Cole is known as one of the most influential male vocalists of the 20th Century. However, he was also an amazingly talented and versatile jazz pianist in the 1930’s, 40’s and early 50’s. And while the Nat King Cole Jazz Trio was slowly making its way into white radio in the 1940’s – something no other black artist was able to accomplish at that time – young Ray Charles had already taken notice and was certainly inspired by Nat’s novel interpretations of the classic standards of the day. Ray’s early recordings clearly capture some of the essence of this easy, laid back jazz style while at the same time integrating the „blues“ and what would later become known as „soul“. (Joey Green)