Sun Sept. 23, 2012

Harris Eisenstadt's September Trio (USA)

Harris Eisenstadt: drums
Ellery Eskelin: tenor saxophone
Angelica Sanchez: piano

Sorry this part has no English translation

With the jazz drumming tradition well assimilated, a first-hand knowledge of West African rhythms (he studied with local masters from Gambia, Ghana and Senegal) and a compositional vision of his own going as far as the contemporary classical field, Harris Eisenstadt has turned very rapidly into one of the most interesting, and in demand, musicians of the present international scene. Capable of making the most complex structure sound as if it was simple, and to forge intricate and crazy polyrhythmic patterns as if it were easy, here we have a clear case of someone who escapes the conventional divisions between the mainstream and the avant-garde – his music is innovative, but rooted in history. September Trio is Eisenstadt's new project with tenor saxophonist Ellery Eskelin and pianist Angelica Sanchez, the first already an established and notable figure in the creative jazz field, the other a rising talent from whom we expect much. Together they propose us a music full of detail and energy, corresponding to a solid concept. The future is in the making here. (Pressetext)
Diese Band, das muss ich zugeben, fiel mir in erster Linie aufgrund des Namens ihres Leiters auf. Auch der Bandname als solches erweckte mein Interesse, wobei ich glaube, dass wenn die Band sagen wir einmal im März auf Tour geht einfach diesen Monat im Namen trägt. Was passiert aber, wenn der Zeitraum die Monatgrenze überspringt? Fragen, die sich aber augenblicklich gar nicht stellen. Freuen Sie sich auf ein spannendes Trio, dass es wohl auch aus rein musikalischesn Gründen ins P&B-Programm gebracht hätte... Warmest Welcome! CH