Mats Gustafsson: alto-, tenor-, baritone-, slide saxophone, electronics
Ingebrigt Håker Flaten: bass, electronics
Paal Nilssen-Love: drums
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Die Formation The Thing ist nach einem Stück von Don Cherry betitelt. Eben diesem und weiteren Kollegen wie James Blood Ulmer, Joe McPhee aber auch PJ Harvey und den White Stripes widmet sich der energetische Mats Gustafsson in diesem Projekt. Eine Wahnsinns-Rhythmussektion aus Norwegen, Bassist Ingebrigt Haker-Flaten und Schlagzeuger Paal Nilssen-Love, bildet das Rückgrat dieser experimentierfreudigen, eingespielten Band mit offensichtlichem Hang zum wundersam schroffen Energiespiel. Betont harter Swing, wuchtige Klangmassive, durchzogen von feinnervigen, fast delikat-vernetzenden Linien: The Thing ist die klar formulierte, kompromisslose Antwort auf die derzeit grassierende Skandinavien-Lieblichkeit: Dieses Projekt ist der Triumph einer radikal widerständigen Ästhetik über das Kommerz-Kalkül eines neuen Jazz-Biedermeiers. (Pressetext)
Only once in a great while does a group of musicians come along with an inherent discipline that dares to question the realm between the known and the unknown. Mats Gustafsson, Ingebrigt Haker-Flaten and Paal Nilssen-Love of the Scandinavian Power Trio, “The Thing,” provide a language so determined in its musical complexity, boundaries literally and figuratively disappear. This doesn’t mean that these brilliant musicians do not respect what came before them, far from it. What it means is that their personal language is of such a progressive and impassioned approach, “style” cannot identify nor capture their ingenious and daring creative sensibilities. They have an unusual sense of artistic self awareness with a commitment that is a total expression of honesty and truth. It’s a place greater than self, a place without prejudice, and a place of sacrifice where freedom in artistic values is worth fighting for.
Each one of these extraordinary musicians has redefined their own given instrument with an exceptional ability to transform life into art with burning clarity. Their music is one of mystery, yet hides no secrets. There is the suggestion of a “search,” yet there are no questions to answer. In truth, it is a creative universe of intense conviction where sacrifices are made, lives are given but where few understand what this means. Gustafsson, Haker-Flaten and Nilssen-Love have made the decision to give that sacrifice. In my book, there is no creative faith greater than that. (Lloyd Peterson, Seattle 2009)