Thu Feb. 14, 2013

Lia Pale "gone too far" (A)

Lia Pale: vocals, piano, flute, percussion
Fabian Rucker: reeds
shoE: piano
Hans Strasser: bass
Ingrid Oberkanins: percussion

A young, self-confident woman goes on a journey on which strange things occur. Her hat flew into darkness, she walks with stublin’ feet, and she finds herself barefoot on a snowbank. On a road of no return. But she keeps striding onward bravely and determinedly. A young woman like from a different time, exuding an air of timelessness, which sets her apart from all that is contemporary. Perhaps benevolently observed by a grey eminence, the young traveller finds herself. An exceptional musical talent with a style that could be placed everywhere and nowhere. Because no categories or pigeonholes are needed for LIA PALE. And if they are? Then how about this: a richly coloured, subtly nuanced and supremely vibrant voice that lays itself over a background of minimalism, jazz, classic, and pop? Has she perhaps gone too far with this, after all?