Wed Feb. 27, 2013

The New Zion Trio (USA)

Jamie Saft: piano, fender rhodes
Brad Jones: bass
Craig Santiago: drums

Sorry this part has no English translation

New Zion Trio brings together three masters of Reggae and Jazz in a unique piano trio setting straight from Kingston Yard. Featuring Jamie Saft, Brad Jones and Craig Santiago, New Zion Trio forges a fresh new musical path that unites Roots Reggae and Dub, Spiritual Jazz, Jewish Mystical Paths, and Trance styles in an extra mellow acoustic setting. Channeling Kabbalah, Deep Woods and Ecstatic Trance States, New Zion Trio is akin to a live aural massage with a conscious, sustainable, spiritual message. This connection of seemingly disparate disciplines creates a truly unique and deep world of refreshing new sounds. New Zion Trio's debut album "Fight Against Babylon" was released in May 2011 to great critical acclaim including Album of the Year 2011 from Offering On ICR FM (Ipswich, UK) and inclusion in many Best of 2011 Top Ten Lists. Expect a new full length album release from New Zion Trio in Spring 2012 on Veal Records!!! Forward conscious roots in a dub style!! More fire!!! (Pressetext)
Wynton Marsalis meint schlicht "Great Beard Man!", ein Jazz-Magazin schreibt "He's got big ears". Jamie Saft, ein virtuoser Piano- und Keyboardspieler und furioser Komponist, war hierzuorts mit Stücken eines weiteren kauzigen Zeitgenossen zu hören – Bob Dylan nämlich. Nun kehrt er mit einem neuen Trio und einer ganz anderen Thematik ins P&B zurück– New Zion! CH