Tue April 2, 2013

Andreas Mayerhofer Trio (A)

Andreas Mayerhofer: piano
Wayne Darling: bass
Gerald Endstrasser: drums

Sorry this part has no English translation

Mit dem neuen Programm "Dedications" beschreitet das Andreas Mayerhofer Trio den musikalischen Weg weiter, der mit dem "Coltrane" Programm eingeschlagen wurde. Ausgesuchte Standards, Eigenkompositionen und auch Repertoire der europäischen Tradition bilden die Basis für eine Art des gemeinsamen, der Jazzgeschichte sehr verbundenen Musizierens , bei der nicht Ego oder Virtuosität im Vordergrund stehen, sondern die "Hingabe" an das Musikstück. Dessen Gehalt eröffnet sich dem "aufmerksamen" Zuhörer, wenn er sich ebenfalls "hingibt", mit dem Herzen hört. So kommen - manchmal vorerst verborgene - "Schichten" der Stücke zum Vorschein, bei denen der Raum zwischen den gespielten Tönen ebenso wichtig ist wie diese selber. Mit Wayne Darling und Gerald Endstrasser vereint Andreas Mayerhofer zwei langjährige Freunde als kongeniale Partner in diesem Trio. (Pressetext)

Playing the new program "dedications", the trio continues its musical path since the "Coltrane" program. Chosen Standards, original compositions of the band's members and even repertoire of the European tradition serve as a basis for a way of creating music - deeply connected to Jazz history – together, not dominated by Ego or virtuosity but by "dedication" to the song. The "dedicated" listener, who is able to listen by heart, will discover "layers" of the songs, where the space between the notes is maybe as important as the notes themselves. Andreas Mayerhofer meets his long time friends Wayne Darling and Gerald Endstrasser together in one band: Wayne Darling is well known to generations of bass players as the main teacher for double bass at the Jazz University Graz. He worked together with Stan Getz, Joe Henderson, Dexter Gordon, Woody Herman, Benny Carter!.. During the last years he maintains his own project called “Bass Encounters” where he shares musicians from the jazz and classical scene like Miroslav Vitous, Marc Johnson, Arni Egilsson...
Gerald Endstrasser is also well known as a teacher and maintains his own “Online Drum School” (www.onlinedrumschool.net). He accompanied musicians like Eddy Henderson, Raoul de Sousa, Timna Brauer and Elias Meiri, Harry Stojka, he also worked with the “Vienna Art Orchestra” and was winner of the International Jazz Competition in Paris. (Pressetext)