The Bulgarian Voices – Angelite
Conductor: Georgy Petkov
Conductor: Georgy Petkov
Part I
1.MOMATA S CHUDNA RIZA (The lass with a splendid dress) – Georgy Petkov
A Christmas carol. The lass got a gift - a splendid dress for Christmas.
2. KOLEDNA PESEN (Christmas song) – Gentcho Gentchev
The Holy mother gave birth to our Lord - Oh, Christmas, Christmas comes
3.VITLEEMSKA ZVEZDA ( Ihr Kinderlein, kommet)- John .Abr. Peter Schulz
Arr. Alexander Josifov
4.ROZHDESTVO HRISTOVO ( Christmas ) – Dobri Hristov, arr. Georgy Petkov
At midnight the church bells ring ,the sound of bells echoes
An angel brought the news - The son of our God is born.
5.BOGORODIZE DEVO ( Holy Virgin) – arr.Kiril Popov
6.TEBE POEM (Unto thee we sing) - D. Hristov
Unto thee we sing. We glorify thee, we thank thee. And unto thee, our Lord we pray.
7.BLAGOSLOVEN ISI, GOSPODI ( Blessed be the Lord) – P.I. Tchaikovski
Thou art blessed, Lord, teach me the wisdom.
8.VELIKO SLAVOSLOVIE (Great song of Praise) – A.Stroumski
Glory to God in heaven, to peace on earth and to the virtue of man.
9.SVIATII BOJE ( Holy God) – Ivan Spassov (1934-1997)
Holy God, holy Power, holy Eternity, have mercy upon us.
Part II
1.DIMYANINKA – Philip Koutev
Dimyaninka looks at her reflection in the water by the river and broods : if I were a little bit taller….
2.TAPAN BIE (The bass drum beats) by Zdravko Manolov
A merry round dance winding in and out on the village green is led by the “mischievous” pretty Yana.
3.TIH VJATAR VEE (The wind is blowing)-Stefan Kanev
A poetic tale about the mother of the shepherd Koino,who awaited all shepherds, but her son was not among them.
4.DUMBA – Georgy Petkov
A cheerful song about the working-bee gatherings in the winter time.
5 DRAGANA I SLAVEI (Dragana and Nightingale) – Philip Koutev
The nightingale challenges Dragana to a singing contest, wagering its wings; Dragana bets to cut her long hair. She wins, but refuses the bird’s sacrifice, satisfied with her triumph alone.
6.ERGEN DEDA (The old bachelor) – P.Lyondev
An old bachelor dresses up as a young man and goes to the dance
All the girls run away leaving only the youngest Angelinka.
7.BABA LUK SADILALA (Grandma plants onions) – Stefan Dragoustinov
A humorous traditional song
8.POLEGNALA E TODORA(Todora’s dream) by Philip Koutev
Todora is dreaming under the olive tree. Suddenly the wind blows and falling olive leaves wake her up. She feels so sorry because she was just dreaming that her lover gives her a wedding ring.
9.DYULMANO,DYULBERO (Beautiful Dyulmana) by Krassimir Kyurkchiyski.
Beautiful Dyulmana, teach me how to plant green peppers so they can flower and bear plentiful fruits.
10.MEHMETIO –by Ivan Spassov
The song is based on folk tunes from the Rhodope Mountain. An unhappy love story revealed through aleatoric composition technique.
Conductor: Georgi Petkov
Born in the town of Gabrovo on the 24th of April, 1961 in a family of traditional musicians. He finished secondary music school and in 1986 graduated from the Music Conservatorium in Plovdiv with the specialty of “Choral Conductorship”. Since than he has worked as a conductor and chief conductor of many of Bulgaria’s finest choirs and has toured with these groups throughout Europe. He took over the direction of the Bulgarian Voices – Angelite in 1999.
Georgi Petkov, assistant professor at New Bulgarian University, is regarded as one of the leading young composers in Bulgaria. His compositions are included in the albums of various internationally acclaimed groups, such as: Chieftains, Enrique Morente, Vartina, etc.
Sorry this part has no English translation
Naturereignisse können auch in geschlossenen Räumen passieren. Etwa, wenn die 24 Frauen der Gruppe The Bulgarian Voices – Angelite ihre Stimmen erheben und im Nu ganze Konzertsäle in ihren Bann ziehen. Äußerlich wirkt der A-cappella-Chor wie eine grellbunte Volkstanztruppe, doch die Mischung aus aberwitzigen Rhythmen und verwegenen Akkorden, der schlicht unverblümt direkte Klang fegen jeden Verdacht des Folklore-Kitschs umgehend aus den Gehörgängen der ZuhörerInnen. Unzählige TV-Produktionen und CDs (inklusive Grammy-Nominierung) lassen die Kunst der Bulgarian Voices auch jenseits der Konzertsäle lebendig werden. Übrigens: Die Frage nach Klassik, Zeitgenössischem, Volksmusik oder sonstiger Schubladisierung stellt sich bei den Bulgarian Voices nicht. Völlig selbstverständlich fließen hier Musikstile, Zeiten und Traditionen zusammen. Die Wurzeln ihres Singens gehen auf Gesangstechniken des Orients im Mittelalter zurück (oder gar noch weiter). Ganz leicht und doch mit trompetengleicher Strahlkraft schmettern die Sängerinnen ohne Anstrengung die kräftigsten Töne in den Raum – ein wahrhaft archaisches Erlebnis, sowohl bei orthodoxer Kirchenmusik als auch bei traditionellen bulgarischen Volksliedern. Vor dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs galten die 24 Damen noch als Geheimtipp in der westlichen Kunst-Hemisphäre. Heute zählen The Bulgarian Voices – Angelite, international heiß begehrt, längst zur Weltelite ihrer Zunft. (Pressetext)
Eintritt: 28.- € Sitzplatz, 20.- Stehplatz