Mon March 5, 2001

Concert Jazz Orchestra Vienna

Thorsten Benkenstein, Aneel Soomary, Thomas Gansch,
Bumi Fian, Walter Fend: trumpet
Dominik Stöger, Christian Radovan, Robert Bachner,
Erik Hainzl: trombone
Franz Pickl: horn
Stefan Öllerer, Michael Erian, Thomas Kugi, Harry Sokal, Herwig Gradischnig: saxophone
Oliver Kent: piano
Uli Langthaler: bass
Christian Salfellner: drums
Ed Partyka: leader

We start the live-stream (real time, stream is not on demand!) about 1/2 h before the show starts. By clicking on "Now Live" a window opens, where you can watch the concert free of charge and without any registration. If you want, you can support this project with "Pay as you wish". Thank you & welcome to the real & virtual club!

Sorry this part has no English translation

Der mittlerweilen vierte Auftritt der Stageband eröffnet dem Concert Jazz Orchestra Vienna wieder die Möglichkeit, Bewährtes zu perfektionieren und Neues auszuprobieren – mit gewohnt kompakten Kollektivsound. CH