Tue March 11, 2025

Alegre Corrêa & Francois Muleka 'Gondwana' feat. Thomas Gansch & Gerald Preinfalk (BRA/A)

Alegre Corrêa: guitar, vocals, percussion
Francois Muleka: guitar, vocals, percussion
Thomas Gansch: trumpet
Gerald Preinfalk: reeds
special guest: Jacqueline Muleka: vocals, electronics

We start the live stream approx. 1/2 hour before the concert begins (real time, no longer available after the end of the concert). By clicking on "Go to livestream" a window will open where you can watch the concert free of charge and without any registration. However, we kindly ask you to support this project via "Pay as you wish". Thank you & welcome to the real & virtual club!

Brazil is home to the largest black population outside Africa and the second largest in the world, just behind Nigeria, which has an estimated population of 85 million. The profound cultural connection between Africa and Brazil characterizes this project, which is a symbiosis of the works of Alegre Corrêa and François Muleka. Both composers and multi-instrumentalists lend the original repertoire the rhythm of common ancestry. The name "Gondwana", which once encompassed the continent where both Brazil and Africa are located, perfectly defines the connection between these two Brazilian artists.