Fri April 4, 2025

The Show must go on(line) – The 1st 5 Years feat. Wiesinger/Nykrin/Pirker, Alaa Alkurdi, Friedemann Derschmidt & Stream-Dream-Team…

Beate Wiesinger: bass
Philipp Nykrin: piano, keyboards
Herbert Pirker: drums

We start the live stream approx. 1/2 hour before the concert begins (real time, no longer available after the end of the concert). By clicking on "Go to livestream" a window will open where you can watch the concert free of charge and without any registration. However, we kindly ask you to support this project via "Pay as you wish". Thank you & welcome to the real & virtual club!

Exactly 5 years ago, the sisters Beate and Astrid Wiesinger took to the stage of the empty P&B as "Duo 4675". The motto was "The show must go on(line)" and was the start of a project that still exists today and that has had a lasting impact on the international status of the P&B. Friedemann Derschmidt, senior artist and researcher at the academy of fine arts, media lab, initiated this cooperation and the main point was that we wanted to continue to organize concerts despite the official closure, but could only do so if the necessary "hardware" such as cameras, mixing consoles etc. and of course qualified personnel (special thanks at this point to Alaa Alkurdi & Eckhard Derschmidt) were available for the jazz delivery service to interested households. It initially took some convincing (and a bit of courage to do something without having obtained all the necessary permits), but in the end, the essential equipment was transported to the club in a "night & fog operation" and lo and behold - despite some technical challenges (the club's own data line turned out to be a better copper cable), this series started relatively smoothly and there was a great deal of public interest in our campaign. From the beginning of April to the end of August 2020, almost 50 concerts were streamed live and each stream was followed by a short film from the Academy's Renoldner animation studio. Of course, we don't want that time back, but we still want to look back and summarize on this evening and who knows, maybe one or the other new cooperation idea will come up. We are currently working on the exact content, but in addition to the concert by the trio around Beate Wiesinger, we will be showing a handful of these animated films before, during the interval and after the concert, supplemented by a few explanatory interviews. We are also working on a supporting program with film collages of various streams and an exhibition concept. I can only advise you to check it out & welcome to the club! CH

In collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna