Wed May 28, 2025

Ingrid Laubrock / Brandon Lopez / Tom Rainey 'No es la Playa' (USA)

Ingrid Laubrock: tenor, soprano saxophone
Brandon Lopez: bass
Tom Rainey: drums

We start the live stream approx. 1/2 hour before the concert begins (real time, no longer available after the end of the concert). By clicking on "Go to livestream" a window will open where you can watch the concert free of charge and without any registration. However, we kindly ask you to support this project via "Pay as you wish". Thank you & welcome to the real & virtual club!

The way everyone's equally billed is exactly right - all three bring ideas and innovations, and both challenge and support each other, take the lead or lay back. Gorgeous sounds and extremely listenable while being really complex and deep musically and technically. Total top class record! (Giles)

A trio greater than the sum of its parts, and said "parts" are three of the top players in modern jazz. Less fire breathing and more space than one might have expected. Laubrock is one of my favorites in general, and she's seemed more focused on heady compositional stuff recently so it's nice to hear her improvising in a relatively straightforward jazz context (not to be confused with a "straightforward jazz" context). Lieblingstitel: Saturnian Staring. (Zachary Gillan)

Dreamlike experiences. Sparks fly and a musical interaction works without arrangement or plan. An organic musical process develops out of intuition alone. The same magic happens every time.

When Brandon Lopez, a New Yorker with Puerto Rican roots, joined the duo of saxophonist Ingrid Laubrock and drummer Tom Rainey, this wasn’t simply about adding a plus one to the Laubrock – Rainey duo. Thanks to the young bassist (born 1988), already collaborating with musicians from Dave Liebman via Zeena Parkins to John Zorn, a new dynamic has formed involving all three. In this triangular constellation a different balance is achieved and an altered play of energies. They are clearly on the same wavelength, with a similar sense and understanding of overarching form, inner structure, timing, feeling, energy, density, transparency and volume.

"Right from the first note the chemistry between them was right. The interplay between the three worked so effortlessly and naturally it bordered on telepathy. The three want to keep up the momentum and capture the magic moment," writes Christoph Wagner in the liner notes.